Wednesday, 5 January 2011

A Gallimaufry of Links

First of all, my copy of the wonderful RUT by Scott Phillips goes to Bernadette in Oz, whose name I pulled from one of my favourite pairs of boots. Bernadette - e-mail me with your address and RUT will be winging its way to Australia.

Lots of reviews. First of all, Milo's Rambles on Ken McClure's WHITE DEATH. Next, three for Stuart MacBride, as I Meant To Read That blog reviews BROKEN SKIN, Lovereading loves DARK BLOOD, and Eurocrime reviews SHATTER THE BONES. Gormless Idiot reviews Philip Kerr's THE ONE FROM THE OTHER, and Blethers with a mini review of Kate Atkinson's STARTED EARLY, TOOK MY DOG. An in-depth review of Graham Moore's THE SHERLOCKIAN, and the lovely Jen Forbus reviews Val McDermid's REPORT FOR MURDER.

An interview with Neil Forsyth in The Miami Herald reminds me that I have LET THEM COME THROUGH on Mt TBR and need to read it soon. I think I might designate February as Scottish month.

It's a wrap on the film version of Irvine Welsh's ECSTACY, a much lighter proposition than TRAINSPOTTING, apparently.

The top selling 100 books of all time (well, since 1998, anyway) has a couple of Scots on it.

And The Scotsman looks forward to the arts in 2011.

A review of the New Year's Day conversation with Ian Rankin and Lin Anderson in Edinburgh.In other Ian Rankin news he reveals his addiction to The Archers, and the last part of a Rebus story in the Daily Mail.

An interesting review of a book called THE INVENTION OF MURDER about the origins of our fascination with tales of murder and mayhem.

And, finally, Mulholland Books have some great guest blog posts. This one, from Michael Robotham on the question authors fear the most, is no exception. I have to say, however, that there are many more questions I fear more... you know, such questions as..."Why have you just eaten my dinner?", "What the hell's wrong with you, you weirdo?" and "Why are you in my bedroom?"


  1. Happy Mahogany!
    Anyway, just to let you know that I have a new student who is improving his English -okay, having lessons with me - so that he can read Ian Rankin without waiting for the translation!

  2. A galliwhatty? eeesh, you know some big words Our Donna.

  3. *Squee* *woot* The only other things I can ever recall winning are a squash racket when I was 10 (which my older brother stole) (which was not such a good move on his part because he broke his wrist while playing squash with it a few weeks later) and a framed picture of someone else's show dog (don't ask). This is much better than either of those :)

  4. Oh no, Bernadette must be devastated! I know for a fact she owns far too many books already! ;D

  5. Thanks for passing it along, Donna!

  6. Ian Rankin and the Archers, huh? I'm the sort who tunes in a couple of times a year and I can just about keep up with the plot. Gutted though, that my namesake fell off the roof. We knew one of them was going, but Nigel? That scream will haunt me for a good while.

  7. Paul - I'm thinking of learning Finnish because Kevin Wignall - one of my favourite authors has a book out in Finnish that's not out in English :o)

    Michael - isn't that a lovely word?!

    Bernadette - you KNOW I am going to ask...why did you win a picture of someone else's show dog?!

    Dorte - it takes one to know one!

    Scott - it was a struggle.

    Nigel - any way you can sue?

  8. Alreet, long time no speak. Anyway 'Let them come through' is a fantastic book - I loved it!

  9. Ed - how's you? I'm definitely looking forward to reading it!
