Monday, 10 October 2011

Where the place?

Upon the Blasted Heath, that's where.

Yes, indeedy, this unscheduled post is to celebrate the launch of new digital publisher Blasted Heath - brainchild of the wonderful Allan Guthrie and Kyle MacRae (whose wonderfulness I can't vouch for and only suspect, since I don't know him).

Look out on 1st November for their hot-looking launch of 5 (yes, that's FIVE) books. You can listen to the authors reading from their books at the links below:

Ray Banks - DEAD MONEY (which I'm really looking forward to reading. It's apparently a total rewrite of THE BIG BLIND which was a fantastic book).
Douglas Lindsay - THE LONG MIDNIGHT OF BARNEY THOMSON (which I already own multiple copies of and am looking forward to having another one. So there)
Anthony Neil Smith - ALL THE YOUNG WARRIORS - in an interview here, he talks about it and it sounds fascinating (of course, it's Anthony Neil Smith - how could it be anything less than brilliant?)
Gary Carson - PHASE FOUR
Brian Pendreigh - THE MAN IN THE SEVENTH ROW which sounds like mad metaphysical genius.

as well as Gerard Brennan's WEE ROCKETS (a novel about granny mugging) in January 2012.

Huge congratulations to all involved - it's bound to be brilliant, exciting and warped, if that line-up is anything to go by. Right up my dark and twisted alley. I shall be first in line, kindle in hand, on launch day.


  1. Great news, Donna - thanks!

  2. I worked with a Brian Pendreigh on The Falkirk Herald over thirty years ago. Wonder if it's the same fella...?

  3. Thanks for the good vibes, Donna!


  4. Margot - looks good!
    Jim - I think it probably is.
    Gerard - you're welcome :o)
    Paul - 'tis indeed!

  5. Same guy, Jimbairn, survived the experience of Falkirk Herald and moved on. Which Jim are you? Ferguson?
